Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Like how you always cared"

You glare at it each time you pass,
Like you do not care,
And perpetually speak about its evil deeds at lunchtime,
Like it is worthless in your life.
Your anger engulfs you, it has corrupted your vision.
Anger is an armor you put on, a weapon you wield,
And you strike it down so cruelly without a chance,
Like you do not care,

Like how you always cared.
Haha, another poem up!

I am gonna live more healthily from now on. Just ran 10.15km in 2 days. I feel pretty motivated now to do this on a weekly basis.

I felt that the civics elective program was actually extremely helpful in reinforcing the fact thta we have to believe in ourselves. No matter how people call me delusional, as some friends do (haha, jokingly and when they mean it), and I know that they have good intentions, but we still have to be positive and have dreams. I keep reminding myself that I will be able to do well, and achieve my dream and pursue the career I want that was prevented from taking off due to higher intervention and my age, and the opportunity was gone, but there is a time and purpose for everything. After the A's, that is. (:
I must believe that I'll get a better opportunity.

To those who have been belittled or doubted, the first step to success is actually believing that something is possible! Believe in yourself, and ignore the people who tell you you cannot succeed, for even if you can't be the best, you'll be somewhere near, and know that you have tried.

Yeah, today my friend told me that I ignore all the bad comments, and I am thankful that my friend mentioned this. In life, one cannot expect everyone to feel the same way about something, and the thing is, everyone has different opinions. I guess life is subjective, and we cannot please everyone, and hence, sometimes in life we just have to do what we feel will benefit us, and not aim to please everyone else, for you'll end up losing fuel and eventually burning out.
Believe in yourself!

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