Thursday, October 7, 2010

I usually do not really blog about my day and feelings, but yes. School officially ends next week, and the Farewell Assembly will be held on Friday. Probably last week, I was contemplating about many issues. I was lying in bed in the living room (moving back to my room soon), where the setting is all emo-like and stuff, and thought of how everyone I know will just become a memory. I thought about the class-clowns and the funny stuff, how everyone cracks up jokes and laughs at everything. I truly will miss every single individual in 37/09. We had our quirks, and we grew from disliking everyone and being totally unsuited to the different types of people to embracing their qualities as endearing. I was just talking to Rachel (Hello Chestnut! :D)about it just now and I really will miss them the most. I have never liked a class this much. When CCA ended, I felt as though a part of me were missing but right now, the depth of liking I have for the class is far more and perhaps incomparable. I was always about being indifferent and all in my former schools. Truly loved perhaps the last or second last Captain's Ball game we had just now! It was aggressive and fun and simply amazing. (: I guess it always happens, and it is only with departure that people start to treasure the ones around them more.

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