Sunday, November 21, 2010

GOOD MORNING WORLD! It is seven plus in the morning on a Sunday. Haha I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY haha it's quite funny, so happy that I wanna wake up and post this. Hahaha I CONQUERED THE DISTANCE FROM MY PLACE TO AJ AND BACK LAST NIGHT. :D ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. YOU CAN DO IT! Heh. :D I shall now proceed to engage google map to find out the total length. I estimate it to be 9km. Okay fine, this may seem like nothing to marathon runners, and may seem like a lot to regular people, but it is all about perspective. To me, it is about achieving your goal and always going on no matter what. :D I am really happy because this is the longest distance that I have ever gone before. I haven't taken part in any marathon or highly publicized races. I shall do so in the future. (: Remember to believe in yourself and think only of the positive!
When I ran, I thought about how nice the air was and how I can run faster when I tell myself that. It really works. Place your focus on how you're enjoying it instead. It comes to a point where the very sound of your breath actually spurs you on to run faster and lighter. I FELT LIKE I WAS FLYING. Have you ever experienced that marvelous state where you felt as light and fluffy as a single feather? Oh, it feels so good! HAHA! Do attempt it! Remember, only feed yourself with positive thoughts. Your brain will secret positive chemicals only when you do that, and it is then where your body is able to carry out planned activities the best way.


Haha, okay I went to use the map to calculate the distance. I was right! It is almost 9km. (: Well, to many people who run 10 kilometres everyday, it is merely a routine. For me, my usual is less though so I am really happy. :D Hahaha! Two more papers! You can do it!

Wow I just read my post. I do seem like an awfully happy person. Haha.
Okay, I wanted to say poem time but I need to bathe and get ready for Church now. Goodbye! (:

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