Monday, January 3, 2011

Covered great distance today. Like 15K and many vaults haha damn happy. Did so by running to the Home to visit and then back. Found out about the hospitalization of one and the passing of another. On the way there, I attempted many different paths in order to find it as I have never run there before.

Realized that the exploration brought me to many different paths that never led me there and brought me instead to extremely beautiful places but DEAD ENDS. Haha, sorry for being all lit-yish again but I was in that contemplative mood and realized that indeed, certain beautiful things which captivate me may actually come to naught. And then there were the long steps up, and it led to this extremely beautiful place, but then there were fences and it was dark and then I had to turn around. Going downhill, I realized how easy it was to just tumble down all the way, and then I remembered why I had been so determined previously. It is so darn hard to climb all the way up IN LIFE, yet so darn easy to just fall all the way and it was so swift it is unimaginable.

When I got harmed that dampened my brain's chemistry, I did go down a lot. I AM BACK ON TRACK. I cannot change facts but I can change my emotions towards it. I can do it. I can do it. YES YOU CAN. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU ARE STRONG. That is why I have to train, to protect myself. I have to.

It is so beautiful at night. It is so wonderful just to jump around and smile at random strangers or laugh to yourself. Just laugh. Just enjoy the cool breeze and the imaginary silence because nothing is that silent. I wanna do the new sport really well. Keep going. Read my old posts and saw how I wished to portray myself as an extremely happy person. Hahaha. Continue running, YL. Okay, I am happy now. Yay! (: You know, I think I am really weird sometimes, like I have a split personality. I can be really serious at times and then really random and funny. Haha okay gotta go train more goodnight.

OH YES and I did PLANK/BRIDGE FOR 5MINS 30SECS last night LOL. It is not easy man. Haha sorry just gotta post it here to encourage mez more to do more. I own guys manz. This is what nightly training gives you. GO NS PALZ. I AM GOING TO DO MORE. Haha I shall google it like yeah manz. I am a boy at heart. Okay bye.

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strawdinary said...
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