Thursday, May 5, 2011

My friend just spoke to me about the topic of dehumanizing oneself. (Hi buddy, you know who you are. (: ) Yes, that is in fact my coping mechanism. I shouldn't let such things happen to me again. This time I did stop it, but yes, it's much better and can be much better. I really have to learn. My mind was somewhere else and not even concerned, which is really scary. That is how I cope, but many of us can avoid being in such a situation.

Actually, I did go through much self development for the past months and they have taught me so much. I need to learn so much more though. I really miss running so much. It is really terrifying as to how one can get so used to not running anymore. I have to be more than that. It applies to every aspect. You are not an object, especially a sexual one. You are human. Yes, every girl out there, know that you have your rights.

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