Thursday, August 9, 2012

The creation of language, the composition of sentences. They are all strung together like intertwining fine threads that we can't see sometimes. I have always believed that the power of language was an enormous one. One can never fathom it completely. The reason why this situation prevails is because there are so many intents, puns, conversations, events and these are all reasons that mountain to mask it's complexity. I just wish to share with all of you that behind all this is education. Without basic education, I would never have been able to compose a series of comprehensive words at all. Without such knowledge, I would have never been able to appreciate the joy reading has given me. Today, I chanced upon a fiction book. I have not read nor glanced through fiction in a while. Typically, I peruse through books about management, leadership and personal development. It is enriching. Yet, Today was beautiful. Stunning. Pictures exploded in my head as I imagined the scenes in the book coming alive. Books. Words. Vision. I love reading. How I miss it so dearly. (:

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