Thursday, September 23, 2010

My phone got stolen at the National Library yesterday. Do email me or call my house phone if there is anything important.

I have been feeling this urge to blog for a while, but there was lack of sufficient time, and the desire for composing sentences just died down. Hmm, I was contemplating this issue in my mind yesterday. It is so odd how one can not feel anything at all when you commit certain things that are meant to evoke a response. I am talking about general themes in life. How can one feel so cold? Imagine a murderer, killing his victim. He must have successfully mastered the skill of detachment.

Perhaps, humans may have developed that from past experiences. I found it odd. I questioned myself, and yes, of course, overanalysing and attempting to "understand" yourself only results in greater lack of comprehension. Lol.
Hence, we should just let things be. Let it be, let it be. (: That song comes to mind. Haha.

I need breakfast now, I am hungry.

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