Friday, September 10, 2010

(Edited at 21:55- Haha, okay. It was really exciting! Hahaha I sound like some little boy. Went to the same place and went to climb onto some hill! Lol I stepped into this pit and it brushed against my leg. I ran long distance 5 nights in a row! Lol sorry I like to talk about it as usual but it seriously requires great mental strength and it trains you psychologically. ANYWAY, the lesson I wish to tell you is that if you set a goal, you can achieve it! I told myself on Monday that I was going to run Long D all 5 days instead of alternating between sprints and Long D and I DID IT. You can do it too! Hahaha. Be positive! Start caring for your body today! Anyway, I think that may be slightly too much. Perhaps I need to have breaks in between next week! :D

Yeah, the thing is, Long D without running at a fast pace is alright if you do it every night. However, if you run at a rather quick pace daily, it is not exactly great for your body. I have learnt that.


Went to explore the depths of IMH again last night. I wanted to run back to SK but decided against it. Haha, it is not as far as I thought it was actually! It is pretty safe at the instituition. Not many humans there at night, that is why. It is only unsafe when there are strange humans lurking around. Darkness is indeed a solvent of animosity. I said "Hello" to random strangers when I neared the entrance and was greeted with response. Haha. Running at night does indeed generate this sort of loneliness, and yet that sort of isolation is pleasing. Hmm. Hills are also an interesting challenge. As you probably have noticed, I am indeed psychoing you to start exercising today. Haha!

Yeah, I have learnt to forgive. And stay away from non-positive humans. :D Surround yourself with positive people!

Oh yes, I wish to to clarify some misconceptions! (:
Running at high speeds burn the fat tissues as it is indeed a cardio activity (one that keeps your heart rate at an elevated level), and it also loses water weight. Excessive weight loss however does result in loss of muscle as well.

Oh yes,I prefer my comfort circle untouched and uninvaded by people I have no feelings for, especially undertaken by individuals outside of school! Haha, anyway, generally, I do not like it when a person imposes his ideas on me and carries out certain actions, and this is clearly for the case where I have absolutely no romantic feelings for that individual. (: However, noting that, I have set it in words and hence it is no longer part of me. Forgive, and be happy! I am positive and truthful! Hahaha. I do admit that I was not joyful about it but I have great cousins. Haha.

Yeah, Humans do understand that physical distance is vital when a predator is lurking around, and I will ensure my security especially when I am repelled by the attempts at close distance! hahaha very humorous imagery! LOL. I LIKE HOW FUNNY IT SOUNDS. Hahaha. Language is so cool. It is 8.30 p.m.! Should be leaving the house soon.

Moreover, there are great advantages such as pleasant complexion and weight loss, apart from the ASTONISHING PYSCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS! I went to do some research, and found out that it is indeed alright to run when one has a cold! Haha, do not run if you have a flu though. Yeah, the research was only done because I have a cold now, which came as a result of the lack of available healthy food for the past week!
Evacuated from my room today for the tenant! Prelims on Mon.

Oh yes. You should have one "rest day" a week where you do not run, to allow yourself to recover. Perhaps I shall make mine Saturday, where I hardly use my legs when swimming casually with my extended family. Really look forward to those evening outings at the chalet near the beach. (: I really love swimming.

I copied and pasted this. Type "Benefits of Running" and this is top of the Google list.

"Running can also have many psychological benefits. Most significantly runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than their counterparts who do not run or exercise regularly. Running actually has the ability to alter an individuals moods because hormones called endorphins are released while running. These hormones create a sense of euphoria often referred to as a runner’s high and can result in an improvement in the runner’s mood. Running has also been reported to alleviate stress in most runners. There are a number of factors which may contribute to running lowering stress levels. One of the most obvious reasons is the act of running allows the individual to focus on the task at hand instead of being worried or stressed about work, family or other stressors in his daily life. Additionally, running can be very challenging on the body which can result in the individual feeling a sense of accomplishment by completing the run which shifts the focus of his attention from negative stressors to a sense of pride and accomplishment."

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