Wednesday, December 29, 2010

There are always so many things I gather after running, and I just wish to rush back to pen it all down to share it with whoever out there in the cyberworld, just to relieve that aching feeling and that indescribable emotion. Usually, pain. I didn't wish to post for a long time because the bad thing was too close, too close for comfort. Nothing romantic, by the way, for that is the general notion people have when you say such stuff, which is kinda amusing. Then, emotions go away, after deliberation, and then there is just pleasantness. That is alright though. Emotions are merely part of an everyday thing, but then I have grown so wary of it. There must be a reason why I chose that path again.

But no, you just have to be happy. Always remember that happiness comes from within. There was doubt and the possibility of acting taking place when you view certain individuals, but that does not matter if it does not matter to you. What is distancing. I saw myself as another and carrying out those meaningless things and I remembered why people choose the magnet mindset, where they easily repel and turn away. It was the safest route. And then after certain prompting and tempting and then they turn away, and they fall.

However, they go back when they do realize that the very place they left kept them secure and unharmed. They do not stay put because they turned away from the very safe haven that kept them alive and warm. "The Forbidden City lies ransacked now and the topless towers are all gone." "She had a heart of stone. Who will cast the first stone?" I always found this phrase by Jeanette really interesting. Stone. It gives me that image of an unchanging, emotionless being, that remains constant and secure. Moreover, the stone endures and has great strength despite being put through countless tests. Plain and cliche I guess it is, for I have heard this damned phrase countless times, but, if we WERE to just consider it in another perspective, say just by viewing the other attributes a stone has, we are able to view things in a different light. I guess these experiences merely reflect how people adopt new ways of dealing with things. Sorry, I like contemplating on seemingly mundane things. Lol.

And then after composing this chunk I wish to remove every trace of it, so I just edited everything and added resolutions to every single sentence, for after its creation I become happy again. Looking at this, I call this a defense mechanism. Haha, why not? I just ran so fast that I could not breathe and till I felt like I was flying off the ground and any second I would just fall flat and hit my face but haha no, never. That will NEVER happen. (: I WILL JUST RUN AND FLY AND I WILL GO SO FAST just like those speeding cars and I will lift my feet off the ground and truly be liberated.

Happiness truly comes from within. (: Only, within.

I can't wait to be able to clear all those crazy bars and buildings! Ah, I must build my foundation. I can do it man.

1 comment:

strawdinary said...

YL, your comment on stone reminds me of this:

No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain cannot
be denied - it speaks in silence to the very core of your being.
- Ansel Adams