Thursday, July 7, 2011

The types of words you employ reveal a lot about your true personality. Is it not much better to be happier? There are so many things we all want, and so many things we desire for. What I really yearn for most is peace of mind.

Little things reveal A LOT about a person's true character. I have seen many little things, speculated but not judged, and it came through. It is true. Time does unravel many mysteries. People grow old, Time passes, and Memories fade away. Time heals Wounds, and wounds heal to form scars. Some lightening creams work better than others, and certain surgeries disfigure these wounds and completely reverse the damage. Time heals wounds, and time blurs hatred. What elements go through?

On another note, this not recent incident will always make me happy. There is a good reason for holding back, and rationality is most important. Protect. Imagined stories would make you happy, but when it happens will this happiness last?

I have been so afraid of happiness, because it slips away so easily. Haha, I love this phrase I saw in that book. Yet, it is because of this that I yearn for it so much. Indifference huh, haha.

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