Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I FEELLLLL AWESOMEEEEEE!! :D I feel so good about myself I've been running eery single day since Monday and I did 5.5 click today :D I missed
Running so much that I'm ignoring all the proper pauses and
Don't care I'm just going on and on. (: heh heh I'm gonna be the best runner again!!!!!
I'm gonna get my health back and be happy woohoo!!!!!!!! :D
I'm gonna get back into shape for pic work! Heh :DD
This time I might do full time alr. (: I'm not gonna let my opp go away again! I'll do it for a while first and I can do it! I'm nt gonna
Let anyone undermine me or put me down. Annoying. Haha come
On man. You're so superficial. Oh well. Humans. (: heh.
I hate liars. (: actually after a while I feel nothing already because you start to mean nothing to me after a while.
For a while I'll be mad heh (: all the best!

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