Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I have always been careful to expose particles of myself in life, for I have acquired the knowledge that exposure led to vulnerability. Of course, it is perfectly fine if you don't mind getting hurt, but that is a choice. What is the reward and what is the punishment?

Raw fish can have a good taste for some people because rawness is tenderness, and tenderness has the same meaning as love. Tender as twines and fir cones and tendrils and another note, lustful young leaders. Raw and your meaningless artworks of merriment and sore affection. Dry up like wet tissues turned cold and mouldy, and wither like raw flowers of chrysanthemum. There is still hope. Sometimes I fall into your trap as well, and I have only myself to blame. Get out, be untangled, it is only by choice.

But these are other people. I can choose my own exposure. (: we can be strong.

I want my story. I wanna throw all the paint I can. I wanna have the most colorful experience. For me.

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