Friday, April 6, 2012

I noticed something, and that is the flames of a mere candle and be very deceiving. Here I am, sitting at the sidelines and enjoying the husky midday air, accepting and taking in the noises of the general public. Whispers and hushes and hugs and touches. I was part of their life briefly. I have passed by so many strangers and we were all part
Of each others' lives for a moment.
I shared an umbrella with a stranger again. The flames of a mere candle can be very deceiving. We can't see much. It's too tiny and it's lit soooo gently. Too gently.

The flames can be
Fanned out
Too easily. Yet its beauty stems from the fact that it is short-lived, it is transient. It moves away along
With the air.

(: contemplative moods are heavy!!! NOO NOO NOO! haha
I shall share with you about 
Exciting things (okay.. So perhaps this is exciting to me, but it might or
Might not apply to Others.)

The special proj we have is coming along so well! I'll share with the rest what it's about in a few weeks! :D gonna be extremely memorable and it will definitely be a fruitful journey!
It's extremely prestigious and it will be an excellent experience. (: 

I love the good night texts, the little
Bits of concern, the tight grasps, the holding of hands.
Most of all, I love the warmth.

Actions speak Louder than words. (:

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