Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm going to devote this post to my favorite Kangen Water.
Basically, the reason why I am doing is so is because I believe the importance
Of health, ESP in the things which we allow into our bodies.

Okay first of all. Kangen water originated from Japan. I'll just Share the things I know. It's damn important
Cause it's alkaline, ionized and is MICROCLUSTERED. Basically the molecules are extremely tiny so
I can drink litres without feeling full. It's a MEDICAL DEVICE in Japan and used in countless hospitals, approved by the health ministry there.
They give it to Cancer patients.
Why alkaline? Cause research shows that people
Who die of cancer have bodies 100 times MORE ACIDIC than normal
Human being samples. What does this mean? Cancer cells
Thrive in acidic environments. Moreover, when we are created, we grow in the mother's womb in
Alkaline solution. Noticed how young babies ever were so clean and healthier?
I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE. Logic. I watched the real life Experiments and
That's why I drink PH 9.5 Kangen water. It's really changed my life man.

Like I Ran 16 KM in one week when I didn't run in ONE YEAR, for my physique for the prestigious project. thats crazy. Either
I have a really strong mind like that of a professional athlete or my mentality had been complimented by
Body's new alkaline state. The oxygen bubbles I can see in my water is absorbed so damn quickly
Cause it's so damn good. Honestly, whatever you feed yourself helps.
Seriously. It's like placing a white paper, cliche, okay maybe putting a sponge in
A pail of red water. do you think the sponge will turn red?

OBVIOUSLY. You are LIKE a sponge. What you drink is what you are!!!

And they use it in Germany as an approved medical device too and I use the levelluk machine for my face too.
They have a ph 5.5 to ph 6 water called beauty water.
Skin is originally acidic, so that restores it to its original state. (:

I'm such an avid blogger now.

Anyway, I'm glad things are much better between us. <3

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