Saturday, June 20, 2009

When you embark on long trips away from home, you tend to think too much.

You tend to accidentally touch on still, unwavering waters of yesterday that will always be etched on you, branded and unchangeable.

You will think about how you were like then- when you were seven and lovable, free from revolting favours.

You will unintentionally recall how you had your first crush when you were eleven on that bad 'older' troublemaker, laugh about how frivolous you guys were.

You will remember the first lie you told when you were out somewhere else doing stupid things.

You will see how you were when you were thirteen and ignorantly stupid, mimicking the crowd
to attain recognition and how you still carry the disgust for those people.

You will now know, due to the benefit of hindsight, how timid and dumb you were when you were fourteen, swayed by pernicious rumours about others and forgoing all hope about a matter.

You now realise that you should have been wise enough at fifteen to have not done many things out of spite and out of a moment of indifference.

You would have started studying in January when you were sixteen instead of procrastinating.

However, it is alright as it is all past. (:

Oh, I shall stop now. Hahahaha. Too recent.
I did not actually think of all these during the trip.
It just came up.

During the extremely long journey around Malaysia, there were countless occasions that prompted my brain to make me wanna blog about it.
However, when I actually get down in front of the screen, I do not feel the need to anymore.

Hahaha wow I write about a lot of things on my blog.

I visited Sunway, Cameron Highlands, Ipoh and Melacca respectively.
I loved the strawberries.
They are simply wonderful.

I am extremely tired. I got back at almost eleven p.m.
Why am I still awake?
I will get off soon.

I shall post my random thoughts now.

I walked up three flights of dark stairs alone at night and wandered off in Cameron Highlands.
I got lost in the mega mall in Sunway at least three times because I wandered off again.
I picked strawberries and ate them without first washing them.
I ventured into places I should not have been to and randomly opened closed doors even though it is not right.
I wandered off to the rose 'garden' situated at the cliff by myself and almost fell off parts of it a few times.
I am a rose thief.
I took pictures with roses.


My brother got harassed by a pedophile in the male toilet.

My family and I went on this trip with my father's friend and his family and his daughter is in my school and we share a common teacher. Guess who! hahaha I don't like naming people, it is weird.

Yeah, What a coincidence. Hahaha.

Hahahaha. It is almost two a.m.

Did people actually read all the things I wrote?
I hope so. :D

Arghhhhhh why.
Everyone asks the same question.
yeah, WHY.

Hahahhaa. whatevs.

You just came back from a six-day trip. What is right with you!

I love yuki hanna goh. hahhaahha.
She was my permanent bolster during the trip.

shibushaba yukihanna ngeh ngehzzx

She calls this baby language.
Hahaha, so weird!


K nightz.

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