Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm quite sad now. I see pictures of other models and how they have the freedom and parental approval. I should know it's God's will that I was not allowed to sign the contract with the agency last year. But I see pretty well-known models from that agency and I feel quite disappointed. Okay. You are a student. You're 18. Think when you really hit 18 after your A's! Yes, and I so agree that models are not stick-thin. Come on, not all people can be anorexic or bulimic just so that you can admire their bones. Of course skinny beautiful people look nice, but do skinny ugly people look nice? I think size 4-6 is okay. I am against being size 0 though. And yes, I do nmot really bother following trends and all and since I am not allowed to sign a contract, I can only do limited work. It is quite sad. You know you have the opportunity, you know people have to start young, but maybe there are greater opportunities. Perhaps you'll get a better agency, or maybe a better job. How about a practical one like a teacher? I do not know at this point in time.

Currently obsessing over Taiwanese Drama "Down with Love", starring Jerry Yan and Ella Chen. They have great chemistry and an interview highlighted the physical intimacy between them. Aww. (: Wish they were together. Okay, so I am spazzing out over Taiwan shows like a Secondary Sch girl I used to be. Well, JC kids can relax too. It is just that Arts students usually prefer things like books or fashion, or perhaps even music? People are different. This blog post is unlike the rest too. I am going on and on about what I am thinking about instead of thinking.
Okay gtg.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I am really traumatized now. I shouldn't have watched the video of The Chinese skinning the dog alive. Darn it. Why didn't the cameraman stop that cruel guy from skinning the dog? Is it for the sake of people watching the video so that they can put a stop to such a trade?

I really, really regret watching it. I feel extremely traumatized. I am just staring into space. Darn it arghhh.

They use the fur for stupid things like SOFT TOYS?

Please sign the online petition!

This is the video.
Do not watch it if you're afraid of how graphic it is.

If you watch it, I don't think you'll wanna buy those toys again.
That's better though.

I'm just so angry at the cameraman. I know they wish to spread awareness but couldn't he have just stopped this one more dog from getting tortured and left to die?
