Sunday, March 29, 2009

The regimentation of my emotions is clearly a mess. ):
SIGH. I will make an effort to induce happiness into my life.
Qi mentioned the fact that I cause things to appear bleak even when they are fine.
Haha. This shall cease to exist from this point on. (:

We spoke for two minutes.
I shall continue my post. (:

Exuberance should fill our lives!
Okay, so I sound really false and sarcastic, but the veritable fact perpetually applies to most circumstances.

I should forgive, overlook distinct matters and close an eye. (:

I have this annoying peculiarity of publishing my post after every sentence I type.
This vexatious habit of mine is getting on my nerves. Haha.

I am home alone. Hungry. Starving. I could devour two plates of food but I shall not do so.
I blog about inane matters. Read on. Free entertainment is awesome.

There I go again, engaging the pretty little black mouse and pausing at the appealing orange button, not halting to stop myself from clicking on that vicious looking thing every five seconds.
Gosh, I am darn bored.

Yes, this is how a delightful post should resemble.
Free from bothersome smiley faces that do little justice to the vehement annoyance evident in my previous post. (:

Yes, you should refresh my blog constantly because I do so every 5 seconds.

I would love to tear away the 'facade of indifference', but does actual caring really ameliorate any situation? It only affects you, cuts your veins, cause you to bleed like common people.
I do not like to feel sometimes. It makes me glad. How ironic.

Yes, this is a blissful post. (: It should be dipped in gaiety. ((:

They are home. I have need to leave soon. (:
And do my homework.

This post shall be purposeful.

The message yesterday (YF's 36th anniversary) was genuinely one that enlightened me, resulting in the uplifting of my downcast mood.

'The way we speak affects the way people think of Christ.'

I am not a good testimony at times. I apologise.

We should strive fervently to uphold God's name and live for Him.
I must watch the way I carry myself.
I am extremely apologetic for the instances whereby I fail to do so.
I am human, I am weak.

The analogy concerning the porcelain vase was one of utmost importance.
We must be without wax.
Spoilt and imperfect vases are filled with cracks and passed of as a vase of superior quality.
The cracks become more visible along with time and the true character is exposed.

Character is vital.

Be cautious of the way you live.

Romans 16:19
For your obedience is come abroad unto all men.
I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

Think good thoughts.


I will continue another time.
I have to leave.

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