Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've found the true meaning of a lot of things after speaking to allister on the phone last night. it wasn't about you, it was about me telling you what i feel about everything and in a way, assisting you as well as myself. when i preach to others, it somehow applies to myself. i notice that it is really easy to tell someone else the right thing to do but it is hard to carry words out into action. you have to really let things go. i know you don't read my posts, sister lissy. (sounds gay) (: i know you're not a girl but i don't care. since you don't bother to, i shall blog anyway. (: thanks for keeping me up till about one and not letting me sleep. first time. i love blogging about people who do not read my posts. THANK YOU FOR COMPLIMENTING ME and saying things like- you're a really good listener and really nice to talk to! hahahaha. i know other people read my blog.
i realise i have a lot of 'fans'. -.-

When you let go of something, the burden is lifted off your heavy heart and you feel free. Why hold on to something which has no answer and no end? This will result in eternal monotonity. Many things have dawned upon me for the past few days, and i know that true joy can only be experienced when you learn to accept things the way it is, and also the people around you, instead of attempting to change them.

Stop upholding the negative mindset that you have, that facade, continuing to live in misery. Would you rather be a blissful person, or be a depressed soul, moaning about life all day? You can change, only if you want to. No one else can help you. They can only do what they can- talk to you and give you words of encouragement that lifts up your soul if you allow for it to happen.

It's really heartwarming to know that people care about you despite how you think otherwise. I have truly found the real meaning in life and i know that i will only be happy if i learn to treasure things of the present, instead of living in desolation and holding on to everything that is past. I know most people do this without actual knowledge of it, for in their hearts, they do not wish to let go.

It is natural, because we are humans, and this is part and parcel of life. Human emotions equals to weakness. I shuld leave everything to our sovereign God, love him with my all, even though my all is nothing compared to his unconditional love. I need to be a better person. I should strive to be more genuine. Sometimes, the negative part of me says no and often, i obey it. We should all learn to ignore the negative side of us and listening to the weak whisper that say- 'do the right thing'.

We should all be friends instead of bearing grudges and detesting each other due to past feuds, though hard it may be. Ignoring is not the best solution, it is running away from reality.

Only by being genuine, then will people around to start to peel off the false side of them and revealing the real in them. i should stop the pretense, though at times, it is inevitable. after all, who would want a present that is wrapped up in the most exquisite designs and unwrap it, only to find an empty box or what's worse, full of serpents waiting to eat you alive? Most people are like that.

are you one of them?

I hope you actually read it all. Farewell, my loyal fans. (:
pretty lengthy post, actually.

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