Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Many occasions, I wonder if it is all worth it. The endeavours made at trying to comprehend someone, being patient even though they flare up at you for no particular reason even though you have given so much more. I know that if I were not to bother to, they would do the analogous. Therefore, I try means and ways to behave in an appropriate manner. Do you call this pretentious, hypocrisy, or merely being humble and lowering yourself so that peace is maintained? Both sides must be willing.

I express my heartfelt thanks to the people who have made an effort to speak to me, be it face to face or on the phone. Only love and concern for a fellow friend would urge them to do so. When one has given up hope on you, such thoughtful gestures are not evident.

How i marvel at this discovery. I care. Only, do you know that no one is perfect?

For that point, no, I am not attempting to sound mature. I am merely expressing how I feel. Does everyone not know the fact that hiding the truth only leads to sinking deeper into this trap? How do you escape if you wish not to face it? I just say the truth and how I really feel, because I care.

I really detest people who abhors someone without knowing that person. When someone tells me that, it only leads me into regarding that person with disdain, escpecially like-minded brethren who feel that way. No, I am not perfect, and I cannot help but being in this state.

On a lighter note, talking to someone and clearing the air really is the ultimate solution, whether or not you touch on that subject, but merely conversing with each other as though the relationship were a fresh sheet of paper. No prejudice. It will be very obvious.

lesson learnt.

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