Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I went to visit a certain Home today.
I am rather shaken by what is going to happen.
Since no one wanted to go, I went by myself.
I really missed them.
When I got into touch with what was happening, I was extremely upset.

They were going to send on resident away to another Home against her own will.

I know what it is like with countless homes.
They do not treat them like Humans. They are merely treated as numbers.
I have SEEN the way they speak to the residents.

The resident cried to me, and I felt helpless.
All I could do was merely touch her shoulder and hand and offer my words of encouragement.
Please pray for them and do visit and help in Homes if you can, especially during the holidays.

Would you rather waste your life away on Booze and parties? What does clubbing do in any way to aid you?
You will only end up drunk and screwed.
Sorry, I hate drinking.
Please help the less fortunate.
A drop in the ocean or a hay in a haystack makes a difference.

Honestly, can you imagine being in the same surroundings every single day?
Now being the holidays, I already cannot take the pressure.
How about them?

Just a visit will sincerely make them feel better.
Who cares about the "Hours" you'll get on your port?
Just go there without thinking or caring about that.
You'll feel like a much better person.
Please help and do volunteer work, thank you.

1 comment:

Grandma Scott said...

This is so true of the world I am a caregiver and we are a dieing breed ... it is so much easyer to look the other way when passing to look a person in the eye is to say I know you are there ... it's so much to ask of people to do ... hugs http://www.giftsofdawn.com