Saturday, July 5, 2008

the world is so incomprehendsible, or do you make it seem like that? i can't seem to comprehend anything anymore. nothing appears genuine. people are not showing their true selves, everything is just a facade. everyone, inculding myself, is not showing their real self. maybe there are people who reveal a little about themselves, but other than that, everything seems so complicated. Rey, Rey. thanks a lot, for confusing me. ):

Now i can't sleep in peace. In Mabel's home right now. I don't feel genuine anymore. I need to be alive!!!!! I should start being real myself, then others will emulate me and people around me will endeavour to be true instead of faking it.

I know that I have to be good example instead of being a stumbling block. I want to be strong too, i want to be a role model. I need to do it instead of just saying it. It's really tough, though. I guess I have a lot more to learn.

Thanks, Rey, for speaking to me.

must check post before publishing. -.-


Unknown said...

"Function: transitive verb"

Just FYI.

-Your Fan

Stranger said...

hi, who are you?
thanks for commenting.

what's with the fan?